Thursday, February 28, 2019

The Importance of Vitamins and Minerals During Pregnancy

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Getting the right vitamins is absolutely essential for expectant mothers, as it's a crucial time for both you and your unborn child. The nutritional choices you make now could determine the rest of your baby's life, so make sure you are putting their needs first as well as considering your own health.

The Importance of Vitamins and Minerals During Pregnancy

Sometimes ordering supplementary pregnancy vitamins from an online pharmacy can be a convenient way to ensure you both get the vitamins and minerals you need, alongside a healthy diet. Here are some of the main things your bodies will need during pregnancy, along with some helpful products available from our registered Online Pharmacy UK shop.

Folic acid 

This is widely recommended during pregnancy and women expecting a baby are advised to take folic acid supplements in order to get enough of it. For the first three months of your pregnancy, you should most likely be taking 400 mcg of folic acid each day. It can also help you conceive, so it's good to take it while you're trying for a baby. Folic acid is usually found in green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, nuts, and brown rice among other foods.


Calcium is important for pregnant women since the unborn baby is going to be demanding it as their bones form. This means extra calcium is needed for the mother to maintain her own bone density. You can get it from dairy products like milk or calcium supplements.

Vitamin D 

This is a particularly vital thing to get more of while pregnant since it supports the processing of that vital calcium in both mother and child. It's hard to get enough of it from food or sunlight for many people, so often this is an advisable supplement for any adult, let alone a woman expecting a baby.

Vitamin D and folic acid are both included in Vitabiotics Pregnacare Plus Omega 3 tablets, part of the highly recommended range of pregnancy vitamins our online pharmacy offers. Browse through our Online Chemist Shop to find more supplements and other items that may help you during and after your pregnancy, or contact us to inquire about anything you're looking for.

Note: This blog was originally published on

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